Tuesday, January 19, 2010

MililaniHighTsurudaStudents: Promt 3


For week #2: Two things! Write them in ONE blog!

Miesha: "My Talent is Perserverance"

*What is your talent/gift?
*What are you going to do with it?
*Compare your talent with Miesha's

Literary Connection: Jesus' Parable of the Talents NOTE: In ancient times, a measure of gold was called a talent: There once was a master and he had three servants. He goes on a trip and gives gold to each of them. The first one spends it having a good time, the second one purchases a rug in the market place. The third one goes out into the fields and buries it. When the master returns, he asks them what they did with the gold. The first one says, "I spent it and had a great time with my friends." The master says, "Very Good." The second one says, "I purchased a rug in the marketplace." The master says, "Very Good." The third one says, "Master, you will be most proud of me! I buried it in the fields and here it is!" The master beats him and send him out of his house.

What do you think is Jesus' point?

What lesson does he teach and how does it connect to you and Miesha?

How does this story work on more than one level?


Part 1:

Miesha is making a pretty strong statement in calling perserverance her talent. I like it a lot, though, because if you think about it, she is literally saying that perserverance is what she's good at. If I had to find a way to name one of my talents as strongly as Miesha has her's, I'd have to say that creating art is my talent. Whether it be audible or visual I'd like to think that I have a knack to transform the slightest idea into something that can engage your mind like little else can, and I enjoy every second it takes to do so. It's what I'm good at.

As far as what I plan to do with my talents goes, I'm going to use all that I am to change the world in everyway I can before my life is over. God gave me my gifts for a reason and I refuse to be a 21st century version of servant #3. I know that I have an abundance of talent and I'm confident that I can and will make a difference in the lives of many.

Miesha and I are alike in the fact that we know what our talents are and we both recognize that these talents are a huge part of what makes us who we are. Like Miesha is proud of the fact that perserverance is her gift, I am equally (if not more) proud of the fact that creating art is my gift. And though our living situations are much different, our circumstances are not the same, and we're probably two completely different types of people, we both understand that letting our talents go to waste, whatever they may be, would be foolish.

Part 2:

Jesus's point in telling this parable was to make it known that God gives us "talents" for us to put them to proper and productive use, not to waste them and bury them in the dirt so that they cannot be accessed. The master in the parable gives the three servants gold, or talents while he is away. The master is pleased with the two that use what he gives them but is not with the one that doesn't. the same goes for us. God is pleased with those of us that put to use what he has given them.

The story works on both a natural and supernatural level. Have you ever heard the saying "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer"? This is an example of the story in the natural. At the end of this parable, not only does the master kick out the 3rd servant, but he also takes from him what he gave to him. He also gives what he takes from the 3rd to the 1st and the 2nd, giving the 1st who spent all of his talents the larger portion. In the supernatural, like I mentioned in the previous paragraphs, God is pleased with those who put to use the gifts that he gives them. Those that do gain more, and those that do not gain nothing and often times lose what they were given.


  1. Kiara!
    I like how you went from talking about Miesha's talent to yours. It flowed very nice. An yeah, you're super talented in making art :)
    you will go far!
    Your blog was well-written, and thought provoking. I liked it :)
    Good job!

  2. When I read your response, I could hear you like you were standing in front of the class speaking. You have a strong voice and I really liked how you used art as your talent. I think you're just awesome at it :) I loved the quote at the end and agree with you about using what God has given us to do the best work we can. :)

  3. Kiara,

    I really liked how it seemed like you were talking to us through your essay. It made it much more personal and it also gave it a strong voice. Your choice for your talent is also very personal and I can tell you have a lot of passion for your talent. I think your entire essay was great! Awesome job homie :)

  4. Kiara,

    Your essays were both well written. It flowed really well and it was easy to understand. It is easy to see how passionate you feel about your talent.

    And I like the point you made on the second part of your response. I never thought of it that way. It was interesting to see your perception.

    Great job :]
